Before we started the filming we had to create a storyboard or a script which displayed our thoughts on the story plot and then shots that we were planning to take. Besides this we had to jot done all the sounds, camerawork, editing and mise en scene that we wanted to include. We chose to do a storyboard to show our story line and it helped me to learn that it allowed us to have a deeper vision on what to compose as well as helping to plan the time schedule and the period in which to film. It gave us a structure in which we could follow to see if we were doing the work correctly and if 2we had completed all of the filming scenes.
As this was just a preliminary task we got limited to the schools premises on where we could film. Due to the story plot to our film, we wanted to do some of the filming outside. This caused a lot of problems due to the weather being miserable. A majority of the days in which our lessons occurred it was raining which meant we could not film. We this happened we filmed inside so we wasn't wasting time. As our deadline was getting closer we had to take matters into our own hands and used our free periods to film when the weather was good. I have learnt that we cannot always do as we please and have to wait for the right time or in this case, when the weather was decent.
First of all, I have learnt that 'talent' means actors/actress! I have noticed many things when it comes to working with the actress in my case. It is clear to see that you cannot always rely on the actresses who play a part in the film you are creating as they may be off due to illnesses, appointments, and they may just not be in the mood to film. But the majority of time she was reliable and I knew she would be as she is a very good friend of mine. Besides this I also had to rely on the actress and myself to bring in the correct clothing for the filming and this proved to be a big problem as it wasn't always the first thing on our mind to bring to school (our location for filming).
Thoughout the task, my partner and myself had really good organisation skills as we contributed fairly and made the same amount of decisions. A big part of our film was the class room which took a lot of organising. We had to get the whole of our media class into a room and set it up as if it was a real lesson; this took a lot of organising as people in our class had their own work to do so we had to chose to film at the right time. We also had to organise when to bring in the clothing needed and when we could book the cameras out. I learnt that not all organisations run smoothly as many factors, such as the weather, can mean that things cannot be done.
I worked with another girl in my class who is the actress in the short film and we are very good friends which made the task more enjoyable and easier in some ways. I was the one who done the recording while my friend done the acting. We found that working together was very benefical becuase we contributed both ideas about the story line, camera work techniques, and putting the film together. We had to rely in each other to bring the clothes that we were shooting in. The shooting was very weather dependent for some of it as we was filming outside, so when it was raining we had to work together on editing the footage we aready had.
We learnt how to upload the footage onto the Mac as we did not know how to do this. Once this was completed we had to delete any film which we didn't want to use; this was relatively easy as you just pressed the 'delete' icon. As we completed the filming early we just explored and tested Imovie to get an idea on how to edit. As me nor Sophie, the actress, had used Imovie before, we was clueless to how the editing works. We rushed the editing as it took us a long while to learn how to do it. We found out how to add sounds and at transitions ourselves because it was quite easy to figure out.
The Final Product
The main thing I loved about this task was recording it as I learnt more techniques than what I knew before and can put them to use in the future. I also enjoyed working with my partner because even though we got all of the work done on time, we still have an enjoyable time creating it. If I could improve the making of the film I would maybe have thought about the weather conditions first as I would realise that it could prevent filming however I feel that shooting outside added vartiation to the films setting and made it look more realistic.
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