This short film could beh suggesting how television is affecting children and taking away their general childhood.
Camera Work
The opening to the film is a pan which gives the audience a clear view of the umbilical cord; this also allows people to know what to expect to be at the end of the umbilical cord. This is then followed by a pan onto the childs drawing which shows the angelic behaviour that he portrays.
There are several low angle shots throughout the film. The first one that we see is of the child looking down to the floor with a crayon in his hand about to draw. He has a slight smile on his face that shows he is happy and content with what he is doing.Soon after he stands up and looks towards the window. With the shot still being low angle is makes the little boy seem superior and in control however this is contrasting the point of which the film suggests. After this is cuts into a low angle zoom in to the window. This conveys ideas that the window has a purpose or that something significant is behind it that needs to be seen. Out of the window is a coloured sky and black birds fly past which shows there is life outside the window - soon after there is a coloured ball that gets thrown up into the air and the little boy spots it which allows creates similar ideas that someone is outside playing. .
There is a wide shot after the little boy gets a shock from the 'umbilical cord' which is coming out of his head. He falls to the floor and the wide shot allows us to see the coloured drawings on the floor and the window which is supplying a lot of light into the room. Following on from this is a mid shot of the little boy stroking the painting of the cat that he has drawn which portrays ideas he may be feeling alone and wanting a friend/company.
Later on in the short film there is another low angle shot of the child running up to the window but gets pulled back by the cord which could suggest he is not allowed outside and has to remain in certain space. This then cuts into a high angle of the little boy looking up at it with all of the colourful drawings surrounding him on the floor; this can emphasis his innocence and make him look vulernable to what is outside.
There is a close up of the little boy setting onto his packet of crayons and squashing them. This this convey ideas that he doesn't care about drawings and just wants to be outside playing. The high angle of him sitting on the floor hugging his crayons makes the audience feel a sense of guilt and sadness that he cannot do what he wishes. There is another close up of the ball when it gets thrown into the room which could signify that this ball is something meaningful and important.
Towards the end of the short film is a long shot when the ball in close up in the focus, the child is laying on the floor from being pulled over and then the TV is in the far end which is the thing the child is connected to. This shot is multifunctional as it shows what the child wants but what is stopping him from having it. This makes the story line clearer to the audience and gives them a deeper insight to whats happening.
There are several low angle shots throughout the film. The first one that we see is of the child looking down to the floor with a crayon in his hand about to draw. He has a slight smile on his face that shows he is happy and content with what he is doing.Soon after he stands up and looks towards the window. With the shot still being low angle is makes the little boy seem superior and in control however this is contrasting the point of which the film suggests. After this is cuts into a low angle zoom in to the window. This conveys ideas that the window has a purpose or that something significant is behind it that needs to be seen. Out of the window is a coloured sky and black birds fly past which shows there is life outside the window - soon after there is a coloured ball that gets thrown up into the air and the little boy spots it which allows creates similar ideas that someone is outside playing. .
There is a wide shot after the little boy gets a shock from the 'umbilical cord' which is coming out of his head. He falls to the floor and the wide shot allows us to see the coloured drawings on the floor and the window which is supplying a lot of light into the room. Following on from this is a mid shot of the little boy stroking the painting of the cat that he has drawn which portrays ideas he may be feeling alone and wanting a friend/company.
Later on in the short film there is another low angle shot of the child running up to the window but gets pulled back by the cord which could suggest he is not allowed outside and has to remain in certain space. This then cuts into a high angle of the little boy looking up at it with all of the colourful drawings surrounding him on the floor; this can emphasis his innocence and make him look vulernable to what is outside.
There is a close up of the little boy setting onto his packet of crayons and squashing them. This this convey ideas that he doesn't care about drawings and just wants to be outside playing. The high angle of him sitting on the floor hugging his crayons makes the audience feel a sense of guilt and sadness that he cannot do what he wishes. There is another close up of the ball when it gets thrown into the room which could signify that this ball is something meaningful and important.
Towards the end of the short film is a long shot when the ball in close up in the focus, the child is laying on the floor from being pulled over and then the TV is in the far end which is the thing the child is connected to. This shot is multifunctional as it shows what the child wants but what is stopping him from having it. This makes the story line clearer to the audience and gives them a deeper insight to whats happening.
over the shoulder, the zoom to window. The next few cuts are an over the shoulder shot where the child is watching the ball bounce out of the window. This can demonstrate ideas that he is saying goodbye to what he wants and feels upset that it's going.
When the TV comes on, there is a high angle shot which shows the little boy walking to the TV with all the different lights flashing. This shows that he is now inferior to the television and maybe under control by the TV. Again you see a close up of the boy stepping on the crayon packet signifing he is hypnotised by the television, not caring about anything.
The final camera shot is a zoom out; this is from the televison when the child is sitting in front of it, watching it. The zoom out conotates that hes alone and drawn into it - oblivious from everything else surrounding him.
Right at the beginning of the film, there is an ambient sound which has been added which sounds like a light buzzing/flickering. This sets the scene for what to expect in the film.
Throughout the film a keyboard or piano is being played which can heighten ideas of innocence. The instruments being played are quite slow which could suggest that the environment is very calm and settled and could signify that the child is oblivious to other types of music.The notes that are being played would be classed as key minor, making the setting very reserved and relatively serious.
voice over of children's voices, cat s meowing. When this is being played cuts continuously change, showing the use of a sound bridge. This can conotate the continuous use of happiness until the television switches on.
There are other ambient sounds which occur in the film of the window slamming shut when the ball bounces out of it. This could conotate something bad is about to happen due to the loud bang. Similarly it could suggest that whatever is outside isn't to be seen or noticed. If the plot is to do with children being controlled by the television, them this would fit in as the television would want the childs full attention and not to be distracted by anything else. At the start of the short film there are noises of cats meowing and also water trickling which suggests ideas of something happy or delicate creating thoughts of peace andnormality. These can also be classed as diegetic, ambient sounds.
When the little boy walks away from the window, he hears children playing and talking which seems to excite him. The use of this diegetic sound again allows the audience to have a clearer image of what is happening behind the window and feel a sense of relief that there is someone outside who the little boy can play with. When you can hear the ball bouncing it makes the film seem more realistic and helps to add character to the ball. Similary the television noise starts to play in the background of the cuts creating another soundbridge which suggest that the child is continuly attached to the TV and cannot get away from the screen/sounds it makes.
In the short film you see a variety of continuous cuts which are realivity long. By making the cuts seem long, it could demonstrate the long process of television shows and that they can be watched all day. It creates ideas that there is no way to get away it and it reinforces the guilt that you feel for the little boy.
At the beginning of the film, there is an effect which makes the title look like it is in the spotlight. This evokes ideas that the film is about one main idea - the little boy. This can be reinforced by the title 'umbilical' as when you are in your mothers womb then you securely attached by the umbilical and there is no escape. This can show close conotations to the relationship that the little boy has with the television - even though he has a chance to draw or play ball, the TV keeps drawing him in and stopping him.
The short film has been edited in a cartoon effect similar to childrens drawings. First instincts of this will suggest that it is to do with a child(ren) and this is reinforced by the title 'umbilical' which signifies babies.
The title and credits are in the same style and format which helps to show continuity. It has been edited in a sketchy style to match the rest of the film and to make it look professional.
At the beginning of the film, there is an effect which makes the title look like it is in the spotlight. This evokes ideas that the film is about one main idea - the little boy. This can be reinforced by the title 'umbilical' as when you are in your mothers womb then you securely attached by the umbilical and there is no escape. This can show close conotations to the relationship that the little boy has with the television - even though he has a chance to draw or play ball, the TV keeps drawing him in and stopping him.
The short film has been edited in a cartoon effect similar to childrens drawings. First instincts of this will suggest that it is to do with a child(ren) and this is reinforced by the title 'umbilical' which signifies babies.
The title and credits are in the same style and format which helps to show continuity. It has been edited in a sketchy style to match the rest of the film and to make it look professional.
Mise en Scene
Low key lighting is used in the film to make it look more realistic and natural. The opening of the film is quite dark, illustrating something bad is going to occur however as the pan moves on, the lighting brightens and sets a positive mood. You start to see drawings in colour where everything else is in black and white. This could suggest positive conotations as drawing is a good thing for children to do.
The little boy is dressed in dungarees which is a typical piece of clothing that you would expect a child to wear, so again it makes the film look professional by maintaining the theme.
The drawings that the child has drawn are colourful that evoke ideas that he is happy. The colours of the drawings are bright which also suggests ideas of positive conotations and happiness. Besides everything apart from the drawing, the bouncy ball and the sky, everything is black and white; this portrays ideas that other things are negative and don't make the child happy. The drawings may be in colour as that is what children should be doing instead of watching TV. Even though the colours flashing from the TV are quite bright, they may be symbolising hypontism as the child is sat close to the TV watching it which is bad for the eyes.
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