As mentioned in a previous post, the age range for our film is going to be aimed at the PG12-50 age band as we feel these ages will be most suitable to watch the film based on the content. Also typically you have to be above the age of 15 to watch horror or thrillers depending on the footage. From doing secondary research, we found out that The Lovely Bones is rated at a PG-13 as it doesn't explicitly show anyone being murdered and the content is fairly moderate.Fischoff created a theory which states "gradual disengagement with the horror genre" which portrays ideas that people like the thought of scaring themselves and to see how much they can push themselves in order to test themselves. It also states that horror and thriller films are mostly aimed for teenagers and young adults as they mainly appeal to these ages.
For this reason we will be putting the age range quite young so we can get as much interest from the younger audience as possible.
We are aiming the short at males and females as we think it would be appropriate for both genders. We feel that it would be hard to aim our film at just one gender as it will limit the interest it will gain and possibly reduce sales. As the genre of our film is drama/thriller is a neutral gender genre so it would be hard to focus this on one gender.
Our film would be more suited for families and for teenagers. We think this is appropriate based on the content of our film as it could be a good way to bond with family members by watching a short film together and teenagers would find the film most enjoyable. As we have previously said, the message of the film is to make sure someone is aware of where you are at all times so the family viewers would be able to reinforce this idea and make them more knowledgeable and aware of what could happen in this situation.
Our film doesn't desire any particular interests as to be interested in serial killers and pedophiles would be slightly strange. Our film may be more appealing to people who like to be in tense situations and on the edge of their seat to find out what's about to happen and in a sense like the adrenaline that it brings.
We feel that there isn't a set social group which will favour our film, however believe that lower/middle class people would be more interested in watching it due to the story line and actions.
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