Friday, 29 June 2012

Tropes and Memes

I have previously talked about memes and tropes in my magazine task and the same meaning applies with music videos as well.
When someone has created an 'idea' or thought, others will then favour this and incorporate it into their music video. When so many artists have featured that meme then it becomes a trope. A trope is an established meme which continuously keeps getting used.
There are a lot of memes and tropes which apply to genres of music. For example in hip hop and rap music, it is common for a bouncing car to be in the video as well as a lot of 'sexy' women who have large assets and tend to be in big groups and crowds. The artists tend to wear a lot of jewellery and show a lot of hand movements and head nodding, apposed to synchronised dancing which is more in pop music videos. All of these tropes and memes are evident in Dr Dre's video of Still Dre.

In comparison to this the indie/folk memes and tropes tend to be much more senstitive as they don't objective women in their videos like hip hop ones do, there is no sign of sexism, no sign of aggression or there wasn't any predictions. The location to where they are shot, seem to be much more glamourous and 'beautiful'. The indie artists tend to look like a group of close friends in their videos. All of these memes and tropes can be evident in Mumford and Sons videos.

There is a video by All Time Low called I Feel Like Dancing whihc shows memes and tropes in humourus ways. They take aspects from other artists videos and reconstruct them to their own way and act them.

This is them re-acting Katy Perry's California Girls video.


This is them re-acting Lady Gaga's Bad Romance video.


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