This research method is done by the individual who wants to find out the information. This can be done by interviews, surveys or questionnaires.
Advantages: You will know where the source of information has come from and the topic of information is more focused and specific to what you want to know.
Disadvantages: It may be time consuming and quite expensive and the data may be out of date when you come to use it.
This research method is done by an individual researching from other information resources such as the internet, newspapers and libraries.
Advantages: The process of finding information is done quickly - you only have to search for it and it isn't expensive.
Disadvantages: You may not have any access to these sources of information. You don't know where the information has come from so may be unreliable.
This research method focuses on the reasoning of collecting information and finds more information out about people including age, interests, religion etc.
Advantages: This can be very detailed and precise.
Disadvantages: It could be time consuming as you would have to analyse peoples responses.
This research method focuses on the numerical side of research collection like statistics and data.
Advantages: It is good for finalising results and making them more conclusive.
Disadvantages: This could take a lot of time and a lot of effort is involved.
I think that the best research methods to use during the process of creating and finalising the short film would be primary, secondary and quantitive data. I think that qualitative data would mainly be used in the evaluation process of this task. This is because they all provide good and fairly reliable results which would allow summarised conclusions about specific topics. Throughout the task I will be commenting on the research carried out is either primary, secondary, qualitative or quantitive.
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