Throughout the short film several tracking shots are used which follow the girl, Rose (and sometimes the boy) when they are walking through the setting. This is a great technique used as it suits the meaning and plot of the short film well - it could allow the audience to 'follow' the journey and emotions that the boy is feeling about losing his girlfriend. It adds emotion to the film making the audience feel more involved. In support of these ideas, several mid shots and wide shots are used to capture the characters and the setting/location in the background which could show nobody is around and evoke ideas that the boy is lonely without Rose. There is also a high angle shot of him looking down at the picture of Rose, which could connote the misery he's feeling.
Non diegetic sound is used continuously in the short film up until he goes to approach 'Rose' in the car. The music may have been stopped here to show a sense of normality and brings him back to real life. The key minor music is produced on a piano which slow soft notes demonstrating his sad mood and these are repeated throughout which could show signs of his repetitive feelings of pain and upset. A voiceover is also added towards the end of the film where he is looking down at the picture and subconsciously recalling the news report on Rose's death in his mind. This is a good technique to use as the report informs the audience of what is happening and gives the audience everything they need to understand it. Diegetic music and ambient sounds such as the door unlocking and the glass picture smashing and crumbling could add a sense of reality to the film and the crumbling noise could allow the audience to feel for his 'crumbling' heart for his loss.
At the beginning and end of the film there is an opening scene of which the title is only printed on and credits at the end which has a plain black background and white writing - using the WOB effect. This could signify the dull, lifeless atmosphere without rose there and suits the mood and emotions that the film creates. In the middle of the film, there is a fade which turns black until the next scene which could heighten ideas that he is in grieving for Rose and is in a 'dark' place. The cuts are all slow when he thinks he can see Rose which could portray ideas that he is longing and wishing for her back.
Seeing as it was shot during the daytime, the lighting was relatively high key making it look more natural - however it was quite a dull/windy day which could also mirror his feelings. The idea of the weather is reinforced by the 'costumes' as characters were in coats which are suitable for the conditions. An important feature of the film is the red rose which could show a sign of beauty and the colour red could portray ideas of the love he had for her. The location is used cleverly as the building (university) are appropriate and suit their age range and makes it look more realistic. As there are not many people present it could also suggest signs of his isolation.
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