Friday, 22 June 2012

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Analysing music videos

Andrew Goodwin produced a book which stated all the different characteristics which can be found in a music video. Below are the main characteristics which can be found in a typical music video...

'Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics' - It is typical to find that each genre has a specific way of presenting their video. Oftenly a metal band would be on a stage performing wildly and in a boy/girl band it is expected they would be doing so kind of synchronised dance routine.

'There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals' - There are three main ways in which artists create/perform in their videos. They can be very illistrative; this is where they act out and do the movements in which the lyrics suggest. They can also amplify the video but exaggarating all the actions and meanings of the song/lyrics. The last one is contradicting what is being said and going against the meaning of the song. This can either be ironically or satirically.

'There is a relationship between music and visuals' - This is very similar to the point above - the categories can either be illustrative, amplifying or contradicting.

'The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style)' - This is exactly what it says. Throughout the video the main focus would be on the artist and follow them on every move. Motifs which recur is something which will be the same or similar in every video what they produce/create. An example of this is that in several of Nicki Minaj's videos her bum is the main focus and a lot of UV lighting is used.

'There are frequent references to the notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic/erotic treatment of the female body' - This can sometimes be dependent on the genre as not all videos display women in an objective manner.

'There is often intertextual reference' - This can either be with tv programmes, films or other videos. A good example to this is All Time Low video of 'I Feel Like Dancing' where they copy and exaggarate previous music videos done by other artists.

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