Monday, 14 May 2012

Short and feature film.

How is a short film different to a feature length film?
  • The length varies - in a short film the duration is obviously shorter than what it is in a feature film.
  • The story line is less developed. In a feature film there is more of a 'plot' and a more detailed meaning to the film.
  • There are less characters in a short film when compared to a feature film.
  • The story line (narrative) is more simple and understanding in a short film however in a feature film it is more complex.
  • When creating a short film there is less budget to spend things on in comparison to a feature film.
  • A short film is more likely to have niche market whereas a feature film would be for a mass audience.
  • The cinema type would also vary depending of the style of film.
  • The characters in a short film won't be as known compared to ones in feature films and may not be as talented.
  • Short films may not be able to create merchandise whereas a feature film is able to.
  • A short film will have a less popular distributor whereas a feature film will have a well established distributor.
  • The quality of film may not be as good in a short film when compared to a feature film.
  • Similarly to the narrative the short film will have less dialogue compare do a feature film.

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