Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Films from different eras.

Westerns - Wild Bill Hickhock, Breed of Men, Hell's Hinges, The Money Corral, White Oak
Horrors - The Golem, The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The Lost World, The Terror, Faust
Crime/thrillers - Spies, Les Vampires, The Lodger, Bulldog Drummond, The Penalty 
Action/adventures - The Black Pirate, Submarine, Tarzan and the Golden Lion, Beau Geste, The Mask of Zoro
Romances - The Ace of Hearts, Way Down East, The Big Parade, Flesh and the Devil, The Third Degree
Science fictions - The Lost World, Woman in the Moon, Metropolis, Le Voyage dans la lune

Westerns - Billy the Kid, The Bad Man, The Phantom of the West, Hard Hombre, The Painted Desert
Horrors - The Black Camel, The Ghoul, Night of Terror, The Fatal Hour, The Flying Serpent
Crime/thrillers - The Most Dangerous Game, The Big House, The Finger Points, 49th Parallel, Boys of the City
Action/adventures - The Dawn Patrol, The Son of Monte Cristo, Drums of the Desert, Unholy Garden, Flames
Romances - Born to Fight, Camielle, Way Down East, Yellow Cargo, Heatbeat
Science fictions - The Man with Nine Lives, The Invisible Man Returns, Ghost Patrol, The Phantom Creeps, Things to Come

Westerns - Ambush, Cow Town, The Unforgiven, One-Eyed Jacks, Devil's Doorway
Horrors - The Innocents, The Tell-Tale Heart, Psycho, The Thing from Another World, The Mad Magician 
Crime/thrillers - Jail Bait, The Killing, The Lady Killers, The 39 Steps, Purple Noon
Action/adventures - The 3 Worlds of Gulliver, Hannibal, The Flame and the Arrow, The Torch, Anne of the Indies 
Romances - The Flame and the Arrow, Anne of the Indies, Bright Leaf, September Affair, Ship of Fools
Science fictions - The Thing from Another World, Rocketship X-M, Invaders from Mars, Last Woman on Earth, Journey to the Seventh Palent

Westerns - The Animals, Rio Lobo, Monte Walsh, Windwalker, The Man from Snowy River
Horrors - Inferno, The Gates of Hell, Mark of the Devil, Rider on the Rain, Dressed to Kill
Crime/thrillers - No Place To Hide, Cruising, The First Deadly Sin, The Formula, The Long Good Friday
Action/adventures - Cuba Crossing, The Big Red One, Kelly's Heros, Tora! Tora! Tora!, Angels as Hard as They Come
Romances - Grease, Annie Hall, Love Story, The Raging Moon, Atlantic City
Science fictions - Running Man, Liquid Sky, Star Trekk ll, Escape From the Planet Of The Apes, Brother Joh

1990-Present Day
Westerns - Dances With Wolves, The Ballad of Little Jo, King of Texas, Long Ride Home, Open Range
Horrors - Final Destination, Friday the 13th, Hills have Eyes, Buried Alive, The Exorcist ll
Crime/thrillers - Bad Influence, After Dark My Sweet, The Cell, Boiler Room, The Asylum
Action/adventures - Charlies Angels, Dungeons and Dragons, Flashback, Big Bad John, Bullut in the Head
Romances - Titanic, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, You've Got Mail, While You Were Sleeping
Science fictions - MindWarp, The Handmaid's Tale, The Forgotten, The Day After Tomorrow, Alien Nation: Body and Soul

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