Thursday, 28 February 2013

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The audience is the main reason as to why my short film was made. If there was no audience, the short film would have no purpose or meaning. Besides this, if there was no audience, then the short film would not have any views or sales, meaning it wouldn't be a success. The bigger the audience, the more chance there is of it having more recognition and revenue as people will be discussing how good it is with others and influncing them to go and watch it.
When specifing the target audience for my short film, I followed the acroymn of SAGEL which my media teacher made up. This consists of Socio-economic group, Age, Gender, Ethnicity and Lifestyle. In a blog post, near the start of my blog, I have made a detailed post on my target audience and the one I will be aiming my short film for.
A B D U C T is aimed towards people aged 12 to 50 and I have aimed it for males and females as each gender acquire different tastes and my short film can be suited for both. I have aimed my short film for those in working and middle class mainly however anyone is welcome to watch; this was hard to put a defined label of what class it is aimed for. The ethinicty is white-British as the film is produced and published in Britian so there is more chance of white-British people watching it.

To help complete this evaluation, Sophie and myself devised a questionnaire which we gave to our focus group   to fill in while watching our short film. Besides this, I thought that by creating a questionnaire, it would allow me to find out what it good about our film and what things need improving. A photgraph from all of the responses are copied below so you can see what questions were asked and the responses given.

We found that by creating this, it would give us indepth detail about their opinions on my short film. As you can see, the questions used in the questionnaire are opened and closed and provide us with quantitative and qualitative details. Question 4 has used flow of emotion. This addresses how the audience felt while watching the short film - by asking this kind of question, it enabled us to know the feelings in which our film portrayed and the way it made the audience feel.

As you can see from the pictures that I have scanned in from the questionnaire, all of my target audience enjoyed watching the short film; this was for several reasons. These ranged from the flow of emotion which the film portrayed; this was mainly the suspense and anticipation conveyed through the action, the build up of the main event, the variety of camera shots used and the scene which was shot in the gravegard. These points highlighted are all good, positive factors which is something that Sophie and myself wanted to achieve during the creation of my short film.
Question 3 identifies all of the feelings that we wanted the film to show. The list shows that the focus group mainly felt on edge, anxious, worried and scared when watching ABDUCT. This feedback is very good to recieve as it meant I had been successful in achieving the feelings in which we wanted to portray. Besides this, it could also help to demonstrate the short films success as these feelings are shown when it comes to watching a film in the thriller genre.
Question 4 poses as an open question which allows us to get in depth information about what areas of the film made the audience feel the feelings that they ticked. As you can see from the screenshots, the feelings were mainly achieved when Lily was getting followed and stalked by George, the cemetry scenes and the last scene when Lily was struggling for her life. This is also positive feedback for me as these areas are the key points in which I wanted the audience to feel anxious or scared for whats about to happen, and to build up tension and anticipation.
Question 5 is asking if they thought the story line was successful with the short film. Every applicannt said it worked well however one commented about the sharp ending. We took this on board and after, told them that the reason for this is that the talent has a close relationship as being student and teachers and that it was hard to portray a voilent scene (of the killing) as it would have been unprofessional as well as uncomfortable for the actress and actor.
Question 6 asks about the improvements we could make about the camera work, mise en scene, editing and sound. A lot of the respondants said that the production was good and that there was a range of camerawork angles which worked well to create tension. However one applicant commented about the jump cut and how it didn't really work well as it was an individual. This will help us in the future as we will know how to edit them in next time.
Question 7 was asking how they liked the grim ending or if they would of prefered a happy one. Most responses were positive, by saying it worked well with the rest of the content of the film and that it left them to imagine what happened to the girl. However one person said that by having a happy ending, it would have changed all of the dynamics to the short film; this is very true and it would change the flow of emotion and the meaning of the short film.
Question 8 asks for their personal rating of the film out of 5 stars. 6 people rated it 4 out of 5 stars which is very satisfying and something to make us proud of what we created, however one applicant rated it 5 out of 5 which is exceptional and I am very pleased that I can create a film that they are happy with and enjoy.

From watching my short film back several times, I thought it was best to make some improvements to the editing. This was also influenced by the feedback I recieved from the questionnaires. In one of the scenes, the editing is a bit jilted, so I removed that section in order for it to play more smoothly. I also noticed that there was not an effect on one of the scenes in which the others in that sequence has one. I altered this in order to it have a successful effect on the audience.

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