Tuesday, 1 January 2013

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillarytexts?

When it came to creating the ancillary tasks myself and Sophie assigned each other with the film review page and poster. This enabled us to get them done efficiently and have more time to focus on the editing of our short film. We both worked and completed them in lesson time so we could share ideas and discuss appropriate pictures and layout in order to keep the house style consistent.
It was very important that I stuck to consistency through the main task and the anciliary tasks as I wanted them to look realistic and professional as well as being appropriate to our target audience. Sophie created the film poster and I created the magazine film review page.

The image on the left is the poster of the short film.

The image on the left is the magazine film review page of the short film.

House Style
As you can see from both of the anciliary tasks above, they look very similar - this was the main aim of Sophie and myself. When we was creating these, we wanted to make sure that they were both consistent and show clear similarities with the short film.
We achieved this by maintaining the same house style throught all three tasks. A house style is the design, layout, colour, fonts etc which are used to make things look related and I felt that this was the easiest way to portray links between each task.
In the poster and the magazine film review page, the main colour scheme is black, white and red. These colours have been chosen as they are dull and portray negative emotions. This reinforces the story plot in 'A B D U C T' as it is very dismal in the sense of unnerving storyline. However the use of the colour red can portray two meanings. The main feeling I wanted to portray through this colour was danger and the actress being in a jepordising position. In constrast to this I also wanted this colour to add a bit of fire to the poster as it makes it look more exciting and would encourage the audience to think that something dramatic is going to happen in it. Similarly, it would be more exhilirating in order to convey the tension and suspense of the film. For the film poster Sophie has used the colour red for these reasons, however in the review page, I have decided to stick to the colour white for all of the font. This is because they are both used for different media purposes - the poster is used to capture attention and make the film look appealing and enticing to the target audience, and it has to look as if there is something mysterious behind it. The magazine review page is for an informative overview about the film. I should have stuck with the red tag line to remain consistent, however I feel by sticking to the white font throughout, it would make it look more professional and would work better with the black background.
The colour of the title has printed in white because as I feel this is a very clear, eye catching colour - the fact I have printed it in bold makes it more appealing and works very well on the black background; this can be known WOB (white on black). The colour white can also be considered as an empty colour which could show connotations of Lilly's empty heart due to her father passing away and her no longer being alive. I think the black background of the review page works very well with the poster as the colour black features on both and highlights the idea that ABDUCT is a thriller and quite a saddening film. I wanted to connote the idea that it is not a happy short film yet at the same time, it being quite sophisticated due to black being a sleek colour.

Logos have been used at the bottom of the film poster to make it look more conventional to other film posters. This also helps to make it look mor professional and accurate of a real film poster. It looks realisitc as they are real company logos. This could help promote our film poster, as the company logos such a 'PARAMOUNT' and 'FILM4' could help the target audience and others outside of the focus group to become more interested in my short film if they are fans of 'Paramount' films or those which get shown on 'Film4'.
On the magazine film review page, I have inserted my own logo for a magazine film review page. As I wanted it to look realistic and conventional to other review pages, I created my own so the target readers were aware that this is the section of the magazine which talks about film reviews. I have placed this in the top left hand corner on the right page as it is out of the way in that area and isn't taking up any room that is needed for text. Beside it, I have added a small picture of a film camera; this adds a visual for the readers to look at and makes the review page look more suited for a magazine which is targeted at my focus group.
Text boxes have been used in the poster and the review page as they are far more easier to insert and maneuver the text around the page in order to see where it works best. When it came to writing the film magazine review page I decided to write the content of the review in columns as I feel that this will look conventional to a normal film review page. Another convention I have used of a review page is the drop cap letter which is shown at the start of the text. This helps to make the review page look more professional and will allow the target reader to know that the article starts there.
Text boxes have been used in the film poster as they help to separate text and also alowed Sophie to position them in the best place possible. As you can see from the description at the nottom of the film poster, a lot of text boxes were used to split up all of the lines of text. This helped her to make the lines fit in closer together and also allowed her to catergorise each line in terms of producer, director, talent etc names.
I have included a film review rating at the bottom of the review. At first, I rated the film 4 stars as a draft, however once I had gained the results from the questionnaire, I viewed how many stars the target audience would rate it. The overall ranking came back as 4 stars so no alterations needed to be made to this area. The reason as to why I waited for the responses is to keep the details and information of the short film and anciliary tasks consistent.
The use of ellipsis has been used at the end of the tag lines as it is used to make the audience feel a sense of anticipation for what is going to happen. I think this is very good use of punctuation as it has a long lasting effect and creates a deeper meaning of the tag line.
Even though you may not be able to see it, the music which I have used on the build up of the short film ties in with the mood and feelings created by the poster and the magazine film review page. The music is quite sollum and depressing which is reinforced in the house style of the anciliary tasks by the dull and miserable colours.
We chose to have mid shots as the main background image in both of the anciliary task documents as we feel that these work best with the content and give the audience a good insight for what is in the film. I feel that using mid shots as the background image, it gives the audience enough detail to see what is happening in the shot; this is mainly done by the mise en scene. In the film poster, you see the killer in a shadow which conveys he is trouble. He wears a long black mac throughout the film, however due to the mid shot, you cannot see the lenght. The black mac can portray ideas of death and can raises concern. This is a convention of the film 'Nosferatu'. Even though this is a vampire horror film, the antagonist is wearing a long black coat and there is a scene of him walking up the stairs just showing his silhouette on the wall (see the picture below). We have created a very similar scene when George, the killer in 'ABDUCT' is walking up the stairs getting ready to kill Lily. Sophie chose to use this image of George walking up the stairs as it sticks to convetions of other similar films while it creates a mysterious feeling about what he is walking up the stairs to.
In the magazine film review page, you can see the victim with masking tape strapped across her mouth, preventing her from speaking. This helps to give them an insight that see is in danger and being prevented for speaking. This could enable to the audience to want to discover why this is the case and therefore be intrigued to what happens.

By having a sequence of disturbing images it helps to show concordance with the short film as it is based on a negative topic.The background images have been lifted from the short film. I have decided to use original shots instead of taking new ones dedicated especially to the anciliary tasks as it saved a lot of time and we already had suitable images to use.

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