The pan that opens the short film gives the audience a clear indication of the setting and location of where the film is shot. There are a lot of low angle shots throughout the film of Cupcake which could portray ideas that she is in the superior role within this setting and in control. This shot also makes Cupcake look more sinister and evil which is reinforced by the lighting and atmosphere. When the camera is on the blonde girl, there are a lot of mid shots which could have been used to show her lying down and reinforcing the idea that she can't escape. As well as this there are several close up shots of her face which displays panic and distress.
I like the way the opening title has a dripping effect which could show connotations of blood dripping from the girl when Cupcake kills her.
The opening ambient sound is of a telephone ringing which portrays the reasoning of why the person is talking. The conversation which is happening on the phone is edited as a voiceover on the first cuts and the sweeping pan of the short film.
Sound effects are added when the blonde girl is trying to get out of being tied up and these are projected on flashes of her struggling.
Mise en scene
The lighting is quite low key during the film but especially when the evil happenings begin to take place. The dark, dull lighting makes the setting more creepy and spooky, creating the right mood for the story. Sometimes the only light is from the candles that Cupcake has lit.
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